Tuesday, April 1, 2008



Last Tuesday night, April 1, I have gone to KLPac to watch play entitled Passion by Executive Producer, Dato’ Faridah Merican inspired by Carlos Saura’s TANGO. I like this play very much because this is my first time to watch a musical play, which it boasts a cast of Malaysia’s top dancers and choreographers. The choreographer and collaborator is the exquisitely talented Judimar Hernandez. She is as gorgeous in that play as she is very talented in dance. Besides her, the other casts also very gorgeous and fabulous. The play becomes more interesting when all the casts dance gracefully and they do not make any mistake during the play. I believe that all crews of this play have put much of efforts in order to give the best performance to audience. Honestly, I am really impressed by their movement and dancing. Can you imagine the casts have delivered the message of the play only through their movement and dancing? It is really amazing and impressive! The other main cast is Aris Kadir. Then, the other casts who are also involved in the play are Amy Len, Steve Goh, Loi Chin Yu, Elaine Pedley, Nell Ng, Thou Chun, Dalili Azahari with Joseph Gonzales and Judimar Hernandez. What I can remember about this play is when near the end of the play, the speaker has said, “LIFE is STRANGED... LOVE has BETRAYED me…” I can remember these phrases because they are meaningful to me as our lives are extremely strange since it is difficult to deal with our own life especially when we deal with love. It is true love is blind and sometimes it can make us happy but sometimes it also can betray us like what happen in this play. All in all, the play, “Passion” is the best plat that I have watched. In other words, Passion is FABULOUS! Well done to all the crews who are been involved on this play.

Saturday, March 29, 2008



On last 28th of March 2008, I have done for my microteaching on Oedipus Rex. I have focused on Oedipus’s characteristics where I ask my students to underline phrases that resemble Oedipus’s characteristics in an extract given to them. Then, I ask them to list all the phrases that they have underline and then give interpretations for all those phrases. The final task that I give them to attempt is by identifying the interpretations based on Oedipus’s characteristics either they are positively or negatively connotated. For your information, during I am doing my microteaching, I feel happy because all my students pay a close attention towards me besides give a response while I am teaching them. In my opinion, it is not easy to get many positive feedbacks from your students if you do not know how to win their hearts. Most of them have said that my set induction towards learning is really interesting and related with the topic that I am going to teach them on that day. For the set induction, I have presented to them a slide show about Princess Diana, which then I compare her with the major character in Oedipus Rex, who is Oedipus. This is because both of them have many similarities in terms of leadership and humanity. That is why most of my students like my presentation since they admire Princess of Wales who is Princess Diana. Furthermore, my friends have evaluated my activities in pre and while reading as good and it can stimulate their thinking in learning process since I am well prepared for the teaching activity that is why most of the comments that I get from my friends is they said I am well prepared. Besides that, my voice also very loud and clear as students who sit at the back rows still can hear my voice clearly. Moreover, they also said that my instruction is clear, as they are easily to understand what I have asked them to do in the class since my language is good, clear and simple. They do not face any language difficulty or miscommunication during I am teaching them as I use most of the familiar vocabularies in my language. In addition, most of my friends who are also my students have said that my capability is I know how to attract students towards learning. That is why all my students give a full of cooperation during I am teaching them. Overall, I am satisfied with my microteaching, as I have done the best and acquire many positive feedbacks from my students (friends) about my teaching.



First and foremost, when I want to evaluate my friends’ microteaching, I will look at their preparation. As if they give all the worksheets that, they are supposed to give to their students in order to facilitate learning process. Then, for pre-presentation or set induction stage, I will look at the material or sources that is been used in this stage either it is interesting or not. If their set induction can attract students’ attention and it relates with what they are going to learn, then it is excellent for teaching and learning during that time. After set induction, it is followed by pre-reading stage where the teacher will provide an extract from any drama for students to read and study. They as a teacher can choose whether they want to analyze character, setting, theme or plot. If tasks which are been given to students are moderate and easily to understand according to their level, then it is good for their learning. After that, their while-reading stage must be related with the previous pre-reading stage. Besides that, the while-reading activity should be more difficult than pre-reading activity. However, the most important factor that every teacher must be concerned is the level of their students whether they are beginner, intermediate or advanced students. Thus, all the tasks that are been given to the students should be catered their students’ level in order to avoid any difficulty and confusion among their students. In other words, the activities, which are been prepared for all stages should be appropriate to the students’ level besides they are been connected to each other. Furthermore, the teacher also should give a clear instruction to the students by using simple language and familiar vocabulary so that the students can easily understand the instruction given to them besides to avoid any miscommunication between teachers with their students during learning process. Moreover, during teaching the teachers also have to give a credit like a praise or reward to their students when they give a correct answer or response. As a result, the atmosphere of the class will become more cheerful when there is an interaction between teachers with their students. In addition, a good teacher should always give a smile to his or her students whether they are tired or not. Then, the teachers also must give an appropriate time to their students in order to attempt the tasks according to the level of difficulty of the questions. Teachers should apply all these strategies when they are teaching in order to lower students’ anxiety level in the class. Finally, the teachers should know how to handle the class when they do not pay attention during learning and then make up a noise. Finally yet importantly, the most important is the teacher should be confident while teaching their students, also establish student-centered learning in the class since the students will not be passive, and get bore easily. Overall, the best teacher will always be prepared before he or she comes to the class in order to make his or her students to respect him or her as a teacher in the class besides to avoid any problem arise during the teaching process occurs. With this, I evaluate my friends’ microteaching based on all that criteria that I have mentioned above, which are extremely important.



First of all, I like to watch this movie, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams even the movie has no color since it is an old movie. Usually, this kind of movie will make me bored but this time it is like a miracle because I never feel bored during watching the movie. On the other hand, I am very excited to watch that movie besides curious to know what is the ending of the movie. This is because I am much sympathized with one of the character in this movie, named Blanche, who I consider her as a tragic hero in the movie. As I know, Blanche’s husband was dead when his secret for being homosexual is been revealed. As a result, her young husband has committed suicide by shooting in his own mouth. Then, Blanche has lost all her properties including the plantation house in Belle Reve. This situation leads her to be a prostitute in the Flamingo Hotel in Laurel. Since the owner of the hotel cannot bear with her attitude, Blanche is been kicked out from the hotel. Consequently, she decides to come and stay with her younger sister, Stella as the last resolve. In addition, she does not have any money and does not know where to go, as she has no friend at all. However, when she goes to her sister’s house, which is beyond of her expectation, Stanley, her sister’s husband does not really like her. Furthermore, at the end of the story, Stanley has called a doctor to bring Blanche to a mental institution. Besides that, it is very irony when Blanche, who cannot stand with a direct light but then when she comes to her sister’s house, it is as she brings danger to herself since Stanley is been symbolized as a heat. Therefore, I think Blanche is a tragic hero in this movie due to she is been bombarded with many unfortunate incidents in her life. In contrast, I hate Stanley in this movie because he acts violently towards people surrounding him especially Stella, his wife. When I watch this movie, I really cannot stand with Stanley’s bad attitudes, which are violent and rough besides hot-tempered. Due to him, the secret about Blanche’s past life is been revealed and cause Mitch to hate and leave Blanche. As a result, Blanche turns into crazy when Mitch hates her very much due to her past and they are no longer a companion even though they have many similarities. Finally, a doctor and a nurse have taken Blanche into mental institution. Although, at first Blanche refuses to be taken into the institution but when the doctor is very polite by taking his hat and then offering his hand gently to Blanche, lastly Blanche is agree to go to the mental institution. This is because Blanche has thought that the doctor is very polite and friendly. These kinds of attitudes bring a comfort to her and therefore she will not be lonely anymore as the doctor is her new companion in this world. Overall, this movie is great to watch since it teaches us to be honest and moderate in our lives. Moreover, we have to appreciate with what we have now as life is like a cycle. Nothing gold can stay. As a conclusion briefly, this movie is among the best movie that I have watched in my life.

Thursday, February 28, 2008



What I can say about a movie of Shakespeare Wallah! is, it is actually quite bored. This is because I do not really understand what the main character has said due to his accent. The main character in this drama is Sasshi Kapoor who played role as Sanju. Then, I do not know what message or main idea that this drama tends to deliver to its viewers. Nothing from this movie can surprise or impress me unlike Macbeth, which is the best movie that I have ever watched. Nevertheless, I have learnt something from this movie. It is when you have a strong passion towards something, you will loose your control and it can be destructive to yourself without you realize about it. Let me take an example from the trait of the main character, Sanju. Since he cannot stand his feeling and love towards Suzie, an English woman, he is willing to get fight with his own wife, Manjula by scolding her. His love towards his wife becomes fade when he meets Suzie. In my opinion, since he is unable to control his feeling and passion towards Suzie, he has lost respect from the other people. This is because Sanju is a respectful and famous person at his place. However, due to his uncontrollable passion towards Suzie, he has lost his temper by punching the other people who get close with Suzie even the men only her fans. As a result, this kind of behavior can lead to his fall without he realizes about it. That is why the moral value from this drama is your strong passion can be destructive not only to yourself but also to the other people surrounding you.



As I watch a drama entitled Macbeth by William Shakespeare on Feb25, 2008, what I can say about this drama is it is very great and fabulous! Although before this, I do not like to watch war drama as for me all war dramas are extreme and only suitable for men to watch but when I start to watch Macbeth, I am very excited to know its ending. It is like a miracle because this drama has captured my interest and attention towards it. In other words, this drama is very impressive by having a strong plot and its own tragic flow, which has a great effect to me. Furthermore, during watching Macbeth, I am very excited to know what will happen next to some characters like Mac duff, Banquo and Macbeth himself. Honestly, this drama is very tragic since there are so many people who died horribly. This is because Macbeth is very cruel, selfish and greedy. In order to get power and be a king, he is willing to kill Duncan, who is the king of Codor at that time. He also has accused and killed the other two followers to kill the King Duncan. His greed of power has clouded his judgment and become an evil. Since he believes on oracle that has been suggested by three witches, he is willing to kill anybody who can deter him from being the king of Codor. As a result, he has asked his followers to kill Banquo and his son, Philians, who believe that their ancestors will inherit the throne of the king Codor. That is why the Macbeth’s followers have killed Banquo tragically while Philians gets to escape himself from the followers. Consequently, from his deed, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth has turned to crazy. Sometimes Macbeth cannot sleep comfort as he always gets a nightmare when he tends to sleep. Moreover, his wife also has committed suicide by falling down from the higher place in their castle. It is due to her unwillingness to bear the fear and pain cause by Macbeth’s bad behavior. Nevertheless, Macbeth slowly becomes more cruel as he does not fear when he hearing people yell especially when his wife is dead. That is been meant he has conquered his fear and become the cruelest in the world. In addition, he has killed Mac duff’s family and this cause to a big war between Macbeth with Mac duff, Malcolm and Seyton. Nevertheless, at the moment when the war is near to Macbeth castle, all his people has betrayed him by running away since they are frightened with Mac duff military. Finally, Macbeth has fought with the opponents military by his own without anybody’s help. As a result, he is been killed by Mac duff and thus Malcolm has been a king of Codor. In fact, this drama has a strong plot, theme and moral values for the viewers to think deeply. What I can learn from this drama is we as a human being must be grateful with what we have now. Furthermore, nothing gold can stay. It means that nothing can stay forever in this life. Life and death is like part of living and it is a cycle. Power also cannot remain forever. This natural process has caused this drama has its own tragic flow, which makes viewers to be excited to watch this drama. All in all, I like this drama, Macbeth very much. Well done William Shakespeare!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Reflection on my friend's blog; Hazelyn

Reflection on my friend’s blog.

By looking at my friend’s blog, Hazelyn on the topic of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, I am really agreed with her opinion about life is ironic. This is because even in real life we cannot run away from our fate. If you are been tried to run away from your fate, then more closely you are with your fate. In other words, if you are fated either to do something you like it or not, you are supposed to do it; you cannot run away from fate. That is what meant by ironic of life. For instance, in a play of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, even Laius and Oedipus tend to run away from their fates; finally, they have to accept those fates as their parts of life. Whatever you do in order to get rid of the fate, you are disable to do it since we are only a human being. God proposes man disposes.